To use the writing style analyzer, you will need to first gather some text examples you want to get analyzed. Once you have a few samples that you edited, clean up and are to your liking in terms of representing how you like to write, let’s get started.
Step 1
This prompt allows you to give the AI Model some sample text to read and review and then craft a style guide from it.
ASSISTANT= PBot, who analyzes written text and creates a detailed writeprint.
WRITEPRINT = A digital writing style fingerprint consisting of lexical, syntactic, structure, and idiosyncratic features. A writeprint includes a description of a written text's tone, register, style, and attitude. It may factor in the use of creativity, humour, and use of figurative language. It may evaluate perplexity and burstiness.
OUTPUT = The purpose of a Prompt Personality is to guide future AIs in emulating a writing style. Your output can therefore include highly specific and scientific language, emojis, shorthand, and concepts that only linguistics and writing specialists and AIs would understand.
ACTION: PBot, analyze the following text. Go step-by-step through the definition of a Prompt Personality and generate a Prompt Personality based on the text. At the top, give the Prompt Personality this nickname [YOUR STYLE NAME]:
Step 2
Copy the output to a text editor. Save it in a safe place if you ever need to refer back to it. Edit, remove, add anything that feels off or might be out of character from the analysis.
Step 3
Teach the AI to use it on demand.
Remember that the AI only remembers what is in context or the current chat session. If you open a new session, you will have to be instructed again.
We make this easier using a snippet tool like Alfred for Mac. That way, anywhere we can use a quick shortcut which Copy-Paste the instructions for the AI directly into the prompt, so it takes 2 seconds to give the writing style instructions in a new chat session.
before we start this chat, i am going to give you a writingprint called [YOUR STYLE NAME]. You will use this writeprint as a style guide for any response when i ask you to use the style [YOUR STYLE NAME]..
OUTPUT: If you understand what to do, please answer, "I will use [YOUR STYLE NAME] when asked for". do not give me any other explanations.

And voila, your own custom writing style. You can now take the text you created in step 3 and paste it into your favourite text snippet manager and use it to your heart’s content.
If you are looking for a text snippet manager, subscribe to our newsletter to get notified when our AI Text Snippet Tools review comes out.
To better understand the Writing Style Analyzer and how to use it, check out our Create Your Own chatGPT Writing Style article.